

Service provider

Atalanta operativ GmbH
Bergstraße 67
69469 Weinheim

a company belonging to the Atalanta Group.

Phone: +49 6201 650002-0

Authorised Managing Director

Jan Machuletz

Register court

Local Court of Mannheim

Register number

HRB 728886

Sales tax identification number


Responsible for website content

Jan Machuletz (address and contact details as above)
The content of external sites to which the website refers does not reflect the opinion of the Atalanta Group. The Atalanta Group is not responsible for the content of external sites and expressly distances itself from these.

Mandatory information on online dispute resolutions pursuant to Article 14, Section 1 of the ODR Regulation

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolutions (ODR platform). You can find this at

Mandatory information according to the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act, VSBG

The Atalanta Group is neither obliged nor willing to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board within the meaning of the German Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (VSBG).

Data protection

The protection of personal data during its collection, processing and utilisation on your visit to the website is important to us. Your data is protected in accordance with the statutory provisions. You can find information on what data is collected during your visit to our website and how it is used in our Privacy policy (only in german).

General Terms and Conditions

Our General Terms and Conditions apply.

Website conceptualisation
Die netten Werber GmbH

Website realisation
CTRL-Media GmbH

· Joshua A. Hoffmann
· Stock photos on the homepage from istockphoto
· Stock photos on the history page from Pexels, Pixabay and Unsplash

The content and works on this website are subject to German copyright law. Any duplication, processing, distribution and utilisation outside the limits of copyright law require the written consent of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of this site are only permitted for private, non-commercial use.

If content has not been created by the operator, the copyrights of third parties are respected and the corresponding content is labelled as such. Should you nevertheless notice a copyright infringement, please let us know. If we become aware of any infringements, we shall remove the content in question immediately.